"Mills Web" Prototype Sniper Sling (Reproduction)
WW2 feedback from the front in North West Europe found that the traditional US Pattern Leather Sling issue with Lee ENfield No4T Sniper equipment became to slippery with the constant (cold) and wet environment. Many of the Snipers were expereinced target shooters from before the war and had expereicne with canvas slings. The field stop-gap was to aquire one of the BREN slings whoch was a single length of cnavas with metal ends (longer than the rifle version). The MoD design bods actually desgned a version of the 1907 sling using the same mills material, metal ends and adding a buckle - this was termed a prototype and given to select units for testing. These tests seem inconclusing or unconcluded by wars end and they were left and languished. The US 1907 Leahter Sling retained its place in the LE No4T Complete Equipment Spares all the way to the 1980's. This reproduction is of one of these mills web prototypes as documented in the famous Sniper books and as per examples examined by the maker at the Woolwhich aresenal. These are exacting down to the hand stitched keepers. This version has been "force aged" using processes familiar to Hollywood to make new kit look old for film production. Ideal for the determined No4T shooter - allowing for varous sling positions and combination per the shooters choice and perference. Save the real 1907 sling from wear and tear! No need to bribe the BREN team with cigarettes to get their sling either..